When you visit Truth you can expect several things:
1. You can expect a family-friendly atmosphere, and a warm welcome! Truth FWBC is known for being a friendly church where everyone is welcome no matter their background, ethnicity, or financial status. We want you to feel at home!
2. You can expect Biblical preaching that is based solely on the Word of God. The Holy Bible has all the answers to man's problems and our Pastor is known for taking an expository approach to preaching God's Word. Since preaching is considered to be the most important part of our services, everything that we do whether by worship, giving, or singing; all of these things prepare the congregation to hear the Bible declared and applied to our lives. 3. You can expect a top-notch, safe program for the young ones in your family. We have classes, activities, and programs for all age groups!
4. You can expect exciting, Christ-honoring worship that involves the entire congregation. Whether you are a child, a young adult, a parent, or a grandparent, you will find opportunities each service to lift your voices in worship at Truth Free Will Baptist Church.
We believe that we serve the living God and that His Word is alive! In a world that is bent towards entertainment, we are committed to providing an atmosphere that is godly and can be looked to as a haven away from the noise of the "world".
We believe in a four-fold purpose of the local church:
To exalt God through loving worship.
To edify Christians through Biblical teaching.
To evangelize non-Christians through our faithful witness.
To exhibit godliness though a positive presence in our community.
While there are other functions the church can perform and services it can provide, none are greater than the purposes stated above.
-Our Church History-
The First Free Will Baptist Church of Titusville was established 31 January 1967 with twenty charter members. The Church initially met in Joe Christian’s home at 1145 Thoreau St here in Titusville until the first sanctuary was built in 1970 at 5311 Barna Ave.
On 25 August 1990 a ground breaking ceremony was held for the new sanctuary and the first service to be held in the new sanctuary took place on 22 March 1992.
On 12 January 2014 the Church voted to change the name to TRUTH Free Will Baptist Church. An Open House was held on 16 November 2014 to formerly announce the name change with the arrival of the new digital sign with the new Church logo.
-About the Truth Logo-
You will notice that there are two crosses, the first cross is firmly planted, it has a solid foundation; this cross represents the cross of Calvary grounded in the Truth of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The second cross is not planted but free to be carried, that is because it is the cross that is meant for us to take up each day and bear as believers in Jesus Christ. The sun represents the light of God’s Word whereby we are able to share the Truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ with our Titusville community and to the world beyond.