-Music Ministry-
This special group of singers is used each week to lead in musical worship through congregational and special singing. They also put on other special productions throughout the year, such as our annual Christmas Cantata.
We like to encourage all musicians to use their gift for the Lord. If you play an instrument, talk to Pastor "D" as to how we might be able to implement you in our services.
This special group of singers is used each week to lead in musical worship through congregational and special singing. They also put on other special productions throughout the year, such as our annual Christmas Cantata.
We like to encourage all musicians to use their gift for the Lord. If you play an instrument, talk to Pastor "D" as to how we might be able to implement you in our services.
-Truth FWBC Philosophy of Music-
It is the intent of Truth Free Will Baptist Church to provide biblical direction in all areas of our ministry to include our music ministry.
The Word of God mentions music over five-hundred times, indicating the importance of music in the believer’s life. Isaiah 12:2 states; “Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and not be afraid: for the LORD JEHOVAH is my strength and my song; he also is become my salvation.” The salvation we have experienced through the mercy of God gives the believer the reason to celebrate in this life. Music and song are our forms of expression of this celebration as we praise our God for the mercy He has shown us.
Music is a God given way for believers to communicate, inspire, motivate and minister to others. Our desire is for our music to be uplifting, edifying, and worshipful. We believe that it is imperative that we approach our music ministry with a philosophy that is pleasing to God.
First, and foremost we believe that our music must be biblically based. The lyrics must not in anyway contradict scripture regardless of how popular the tune or how moving the instrumentation may be.
Secondly, the music must glorify God. Music affects people emotionally; this effect can be triggered by nostalgia, sometimes by the words themselves. Often, however, the emotion is stirred by the beat and/or the style of music which invokes an emotional response. Our ministry is aware that every culture has sensual music which is written and performed to cause a response that is at its core fleshly in nature. Sensual music is written to move the body and is used to accompany sensual dance moves. We do not believe sensual music glorifies God or that it is appropriate to use sensual music in order to communicate God’s Word. Therefore, we stand against those genres of so called Christian music identified as; “Christian Rock;” and “Christian Rap” of our modern society. We are also opposed to much of the music which has been identified with the Contemporary Christian Music (CCM) movement.
The final decision and responsibility as to what music, songs, cantatas, special songs, instrumentals, etc will rest with the pastor of Truth Free Will Baptist Church.
It is our desire to produce godly singers and musicians who will strive to understand this philosophy and use music as the effective tool in our ministry that God would have it to be. Those desiring to participate in the church music ministry in any capacity will agree to the following standards: (I Chronicles 25:1-8)
The Word of God mentions music over five-hundred times, indicating the importance of music in the believer’s life. Isaiah 12:2 states; “Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and not be afraid: for the LORD JEHOVAH is my strength and my song; he also is become my salvation.” The salvation we have experienced through the mercy of God gives the believer the reason to celebrate in this life. Music and song are our forms of expression of this celebration as we praise our God for the mercy He has shown us.
Music is a God given way for believers to communicate, inspire, motivate and minister to others. Our desire is for our music to be uplifting, edifying, and worshipful. We believe that it is imperative that we approach our music ministry with a philosophy that is pleasing to God.
First, and foremost we believe that our music must be biblically based. The lyrics must not in anyway contradict scripture regardless of how popular the tune or how moving the instrumentation may be.
Secondly, the music must glorify God. Music affects people emotionally; this effect can be triggered by nostalgia, sometimes by the words themselves. Often, however, the emotion is stirred by the beat and/or the style of music which invokes an emotional response. Our ministry is aware that every culture has sensual music which is written and performed to cause a response that is at its core fleshly in nature. Sensual music is written to move the body and is used to accompany sensual dance moves. We do not believe sensual music glorifies God or that it is appropriate to use sensual music in order to communicate God’s Word. Therefore, we stand against those genres of so called Christian music identified as; “Christian Rock;” and “Christian Rap” of our modern society. We are also opposed to much of the music which has been identified with the Contemporary Christian Music (CCM) movement.
The final decision and responsibility as to what music, songs, cantatas, special songs, instrumentals, etc will rest with the pastor of Truth Free Will Baptist Church.
It is our desire to produce godly singers and musicians who will strive to understand this philosophy and use music as the effective tool in our ministry that God would have it to be. Those desiring to participate in the church music ministry in any capacity will agree to the following standards: (I Chronicles 25:1-8)
- Any adult participating in the church’s music ministry must be a born again believer in Jesus Christ. This is required because only those who have experienced God’s grace could properly lift their voice to praise and honor the God they now love so dearly. (Numbers 8:5-16)
- Any adult participating in the church’s music ministry must be a member of the First Free Will Baptist Church of Titusville, or another like minded ministry if they are one of our “snow birds.”
- Any adult participating in the church’s music ministry must be a faithful attendee of the church’s regularly scheduled services, work schedules and health conditions permitting.
- Any adult or young person participating in the church’s music ministry must maintain a godly testimony in the community. Any person found to be living outside of the guidelines of the First Free Will Baptist Church of Titusville’s Constitution and By-Laws will be subject to church discipline according to Appendix A.
- Any adult or young person participating in the church’s music ministry must abstain from listening to or performing ungodly, secular music. By ungodly we refer to music that is sensual in nature or lyrics that are contradictory to biblical principles.
- Any adult or young person participating in the church’s music ministry will do so with the intent to bring praise and honor to their God, with the full understanding that their participation is never to be self-gratifying or self-promoting.
- Any adult or young person participating in the church’s music ministry commits to study, practice and prayer in order to provide a well prepared, organized music program in support of the church’s ministry.(II Chronicles 7:6; 8:14; 31:2)
- Any adult or young person desiring to sing or perform a special as part of the church’s music ministry will coordinate their special with the Music Coordinator for an appropriate date and for a review of the material to be performed. Any questions as to the appropriateness of material will be addressed with the pastor.
- Outside musicians will be reviewed and scheduled by the pastor as appropriate.
As believers in Christ we are taught to, “seek those things which are above,” and to “Set your affections on things above, not on things on the earth.” (Colossians 3:1-2) Our music will be a poignant indication of our focus on worship as a church to those who come into our presence each service. It is our goal that our music will be worshipful and inspire godly worship in those who come into our church.