Sometimes life is hard. The ministries at Truth FWBC are all designed to serve one common purpose: to help each other grow closer to God and live our lives for His glory. We believe that as brothers and sisters of Christ, we are to shoulder one another's burdens. Here at Truth, you are family. Our adult ministries meet at various times throughout each week. On Sundays after service our choir and music ministries gather for practice. If you have a heart for worship, please come share this wonderful time of fellowship with us.
On Thursday nights at 6:30pm we gather for our Foundations in Faith Adult Bible study, where we take an in depth look at practical lessons to be gained as we study God's Word together. Adult Sunday school begins at 9 am Sunday mornings. Currently we are studying the Answers in Genesis Bible Curriculum. It teaches the same lessons from Pre-K to Adults, with lessons especially tailored for each age group. There are also family devotionals available, just ask any of our adult Sunday School teachers. For a more in depth explanation, watch videos, and see what the Answers in Genesis curriculum is all about, click the link here.
-Sunday School-
Our Sunday school is studying the Answers Bible Curriculum. Adult Sunday school begins at 9 am Sunday mornings. It teaches the same lessons from Pre-K to Adults, so parents learn with their children and can connect more. There are also family devotionals that parents can get from the adult Sunday School teachers, that allows them to go over the lessons and connect even more with their children and show them that every day in the week is God's day, not just Sunday.
-Thursday Night-
Pizza with the Pastor (on hold) From January through May and September through December, on Thursdays at 6:00 pm, everyone is invited to come early and have Pizza with Pastor "D" before our Thursday night Foundations in Faith Adult Bible Study and Youth 4 Truth. Here at Truth, we stand united with one another as one church family under God and we share that love and support with one another through fellowship, including our various ministries and Sunday School classes. Classes are designed to teach our children what it means to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
Foundations in Faith
We meet at 6:30 every Thursday for Foundations in Faith--our midweek adult bible study. Pastor "D" Miller teaches this class. You'll be encouraged as we encounter different topics that will challenge us to live out our faith.
Upcoming Youth Events
-Student Ministries-
At Truth FWBC we believe no one will have more influence on your child than you! It is our hope that we can partner with you from the very beginning.
Youth 4 Truth Youth 4 Truth meets during each service and is the place where your children will be safe, have fun, and learn about Jesus on their level. Children are invited to learn songs about the Lord, have Biblical study, play game, do skits, make crafts, and of course, have fun!
On Sundays we meet for Sunday school at 9am where we offer separate classes for children, tweens, and teens! Currently we are going through Answers in Genesis, which is a series based on Apologetics. There are books for each level and a family devotional available, just ask Pastor "D" or Sister Karen. Children's church begins at 10am on Sundays!
During our summer break Youth 4 Truth has Fun Fridays! Each Friday we do something special from roller skating to bowling, nature hikes, and theme parks! All while enjoying fellowship with other believers.
Teens Trusting Truth (on hold) Our T3 teen ministry meets Sunday Nights at 6pm for Bible study as they learn how to use God's Word to help navigate the everyday stresses our teens are facing today. Come unwind and have fellowship, fun, and snacks with other teens!
Additional ministries:
Vacation Bible School Astronaut High School Student Market Women's Conference Fox Lake Crafts Fair Titusville Christmas Parade + many more fun activities throughout the year!
No matter what your passion, there is room for you to get in and grow at Truth FWBC!